LC code on my Bradford White tankless water heater

by Radu

I've got LC diagnostic code on the water heater's control. The heater is tankless and condensing from Bradford White, model TGHE-199I, and it is installed inside. Can I fix the problem or should I call the technician?


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Jul 16, 2013
LC code - sediment problem
by: Anonymous

Bradford White water heater, also known as EverHot, may flash the LC code on the temperature controller when there is a problem with the sediment build-up, inside the heat exchanger. On the other side the sediment build-up is the result of the hard water, water that is rich in minerals. This is not good and should be either prevented or controlled.

There are two ways to deal with this problem: flushing and by installing the water softener.

When the LC diagnostic code is flashing, and you don't flush the sediments out, you might end up with the damaged heat exchanger and/or water heater, because the unit will keep on running.

If the heat exchanger is not fully clogged with the mineral deposits you will notice the symptoms such as the reduced efficiency.

Flushing is not complicate and it doesn't require any special skills or technician. You need approximately 5 gallon pail of food grade vinegar, the pump and the hose for draining.

You can use this link to find out more how to do flushing.

The other way to reduce the risk of sediment build-up is by installing the water softener. This device does not always remove the deposits fully, but it definitely reduce it.

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